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 on: August 03, 2024, 11:54:34 PM 
Started by mr singh - Last post by Problemchild
Glad it's still going well :)

Was one of those purchases that just had to be done


 on: August 03, 2024, 11:51:44 PM 
Started by evilution - Last post by Problemchild
How much did it go for mate?


 on: July 26, 2024, 09:38:36 AM 
Started by ubuntupunk - Last post by ubuntupunk
Thanks for responding and my apologies for not checking sooner. :-\

It's a Passion 1.3 2006.

Good news is I managed to get it running again.

The battery was very run down, and taking it out and using a pulse charger and leaving overnight on charge, fixed the problem, which I thought was the immobilizer, who knows, I have heard that you can reset the computer this way too.

Now I confronted with the broken keyfob which has a missing copper pcb pad and one of the smd resisters is off the pcb, and of course the rear perspex window which I had to dremel to gain access to the vehicle. (No central locking access via left side door, cable is gone!)

Anyone here with a circuit diagram of the two button fob?

 on: July 17, 2024, 03:55:58 PM 
Started by Mick H - Last post by mr singh
just because there are 'no advisories' doesn't mean that the wheel alignment wont be out.

how old is the battery that is fitted?

 on: July 16, 2024, 12:40:07 AM 
Started by ubuntupunk - Last post by CrazyG
ok...firstly we need to know the following before we can give some thoughts/suggestions
of how to resolve your problem..
1/ what engine size is your 454 ?
2/ is it manual or AMT transmission ?
3/ you say 5 'blocks' showing in the LCD display ?  That sounds like what one would
    see for the fuel level.   Please explain where on the LCD display you see that,  or....
    take a picture with your mobile phone, then Bluetooth it to you computer and reduce it
    in size to 800x600 pixels using a photoshop type editor, and you can then attach it to
    your reply by 'adding' it using the 'Additional Options' that is shown below and to the
   left of the 'box' where you make a post on the Forum.

 on: July 14, 2024, 01:45:54 PM 
Started by ubuntupunk - Last post by ubuntupunk
The radio was left on overnight. Not sure why it didn't auto turn off. So battery is flat. Tried to jumpstart this morning but no luck. There are five square blocks showing on the display LCD which I've never seen, can't find any references to what they might indicate. Any clues?

 on: July 14, 2024, 01:00:00 PM 
Started by Mick H - Last post by Mick H
Thanks for the advices and links (re-the steering)
Tyre pressures correct, tracking appears correct (no advisories on the MOT).
The air-con has been regassed, I've yet to check the electrical connections (fuses, relay etc, etc. I currently can't tell if the AC clutch is engaging, although there does seem to be a drop in revs when the AC switch is switched on.
I'll report back my findings once I've had chance the investigate futher

 on: July 06, 2024, 08:37:35 PM 
Started by Mick H - Last post by mr singh
steering could be down to several issues. tyre pressures, wheel alignment, a poor battery or a failed or failing steering rack (mainly the motor)

A/C, have it regassed.

 on: July 06, 2024, 06:45:28 PM 
Started by Mick H - Last post by herx
Funny you say that - I have the exact same main issues with mine bought weeks ago

In my case I think it is the compressor for the air con - will let you know how I get on once the replacement arrives.

Steering-wise, still reading around the forum. Perform a search, there are many people in the past with the same problems.

This is a good summary

Let us know how you get on

 on: July 02, 2024, 08:57:15 PM 
Started by Mick H - Last post by Mick H
Hi, everyone, I've now become a proud owner of a Gen 1 (2006) Smart forfour.
I've carried out some work on it already, replacing the rear brake drums and shoes, cleaned up the subframe and treated it with a rust inhibitor and sealed the leaking engine oil pan and carried out a full service.
I'm now looking for information on 2 points.
The first is the steering seems a little heavy compared to other cars I've driven, I've sprayed the universal joint with lube accessible in the drivers footwell with no change, any info on this would be much appreciated.
The second is the aircon, it is fully based up but does not seem to be cooling the air in the cabin, the dials are set to cold aircon button illuminate, the recircle button illuminated and fan on full, but nothing even sitting for 10 minutes.
Any ideas how this can be rectified.

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