It is well known fact that there is a large (die hard!) part of the Smart
fraternity who will ONLY vote for the Crossblade or ForTwo or Roadster.
Far be it from me to make an issue of it, but the ForFour in question was
not the tidiest or the cleanest example of those present, however....
the owners also have a Roadster . I'm sure you can see my point.
Might I therefore suggest that a change be made to the voting system
for next years event; and indeed at every Smart event; and that change
to be that voting should be by the model/type ie., Crossblades,
ForTwos, Roadsters, and ForFour.....for the best of each.
An overall winner being optional, not necessarily mandatory.
By doing so, owner/attendee's of each group would feel involved and
not sidelined as most owners of ForFours feel we are.
After all, irrespective of the number of wheel bolts/nuts..they're ALL Smarts.