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Author Topic: Regular maintenance  (Read 11430 times)


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Regular maintenance
« on: May 17, 2016, 04:19:28 PM »

Well, it was my 1.1 Passion's 11th birthday last week so as a treat, today (it being the first fine day for a few) it was front brake pads and a new auxiliary belt. Then wash, polish and vac followed by the obligatory test drive. After 11 years it really does run like new and I can honestly say that has been one of the best cars that I have ever owned. Still has original battery and exhaust and apart from routine stuff like tyres, brakes etc it has been faultless.  Roll on the next 11 years! ;)
Open Your Mind... to a smart.
I did, to a generation 1 forfour 1.1 with 'Passion', a Silver generation 1 forfour 'Brabus' Xclusive and a fortwo 451 'night orange' edition ;~)


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Re: Regular maintenance
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2016, 08:30:03 PM »

Hey Keith  , good to hear it's all going well .... I've had a very similar ownership experience ...... you've got to love our little 'Jam Jars'   :) , Mine will be 12 years young in September, and I don't even think about replacing it .
« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 09:45:18 PM by CrazyG »

ForFour  ....... It knows it's  smart .