Having a Star and using it is not as simple as one thinks. Trust me on that.
Although there may possibly be some folks around with one they may not
have the wherewithall to know how to use it properly, and therein can lie
a big problem ! Obviously it's not one if they use it everyday, but then
those people would be a Smart independant and expect to be paid for
their knowledge, time etc.
If you are not one of 'them' then unless you are 100% 'au fait' with how
to use a Star one can actually create/cause a problem. A point in question
or example being AMT adjustment clutch adjustment and gear alignment.
Do it in the wrong order or skip something cos you can't see why it needs
or needed doing and you can end up with no gears at all, and I have
actually witnessed this happen ! Sorting that out wasn't as easy as
pressing a few buttons I can tell you.
So...how does one get to learn or use a Star properly ? I guess that if you're
not in the business of being an Independant then 'trial and error' is the only
way. But as I've said, one can get in some really awkward/bad situations
at the press of a key/button. Nothing however is insurmountable.