I popped in to S2Smarts today to have my Forge actuator fitted and set up and map tweaked again and who should turn up......??
CrazyG (he's s2smarts latest YT lacky)
Funky (was just "passing")
Musmart (with his new big turbo set up)
Strike (in the only clean car of the day)
A wise man* (bearing gifts for the s2smarts guys for helping fix an LPG fault on his forfour)
it wasn't planned but we all just ended up being in the same place at the same time avoiding out better halves!!
was a good laugh really and tony and rob and andy were very welcoming as always, even though we were getting in their way and nicking their tools left/right/centre draw of the tool chest.
only really 2 pics - sorry
* and hopefully new member!!