To the previous poster, changing the hub out if a simple and low cost job.
I've had my 454 for 3 years now, which is actually the longest I've owned a car. I've had a number of problems, brakes binding, had to replace the gearbox, but in all honesty its not been a bad car.
I've fixed the brake binding now it seems, which a journey to York (260 miles each way) confirmed. The thing is, its so easy to drive. Even with 3 people and luggage it'll achieve 50+ mpg on the motorway, and I can get mid 60's solo when hypermiling. Steering feedback is oh so positive, and its a hoot to throw around country roads, working the little 1.1 3-cyl through its rev-range
Rear seats fold down to make it big enough to transport faily bulkey items, has aircon, a cracking sound system, roof bars...I plan to keep it running for as long as I possibly can, either to be replaced due to it being uneconomical to repair or if my needs ever change.
It does seem to attract dirt really badly, but oh well.