well i am now informed but i will leave it to G to update you all (i like adding to the suspense)
Right folks...time for an update on the banners thingy.
I managed to ascertain (it took some doing) that these banners were not the one's that were stolen. (that was a relief)
I also found out that there was a third banner which hadn't yet been put up for auction...but that could be obtained
if the right amount of folding greenbacks were exchanged !
Said exchange duly took place and I found myself in possession of a banner on the day before the 2010 Festival !
As it was 'impossible' (too much effort more like) for Smart/MB/anyone to organise the small group of ForFours that attend
the Fest into their own little area, it would have been pointless for me to have 'flown the flag' over just one car.
Next year's Smart Fesival 2011...It really is my deepest wish, that next year we can agree and organise a suitable time and place to rendezvous as many ForFours
together as possible
before parading in convoy to the Festival, and to then park 'en masse' and secure our own little enclave/area
where we can proudly fly the ForFour banner for everyone to see !
There should not be any 'discrimination' as to whose website you are a member of (or not) at any meeting...we should just be a group
of proud, friendly and happy owners of one of the best cars Smart ever made.....the ForFour.
The ebay auction banners...So what happened to the 2 banners that were due to end in the morning of the Sunday after the 2010 Smart Festival ? ?
Well, as it happens, I managed to win the auction for the first 1 !
As to 2nd one.....I am now aware of who received it... unexpectedly and completely 'out of the blue' as a surprise birthday present.
No, it was not me ! But I've agreed with the person concerned not to disclose who.
It has a good home, but it may 'fly' at a ForFour meet every now and then, ok.
My 2 banners...what next ?As I now have 2, I have decided as a jesture of 'friendship and fellowship of the owners of the Smart ForFour' to donate one
to ForFourOwners, with the understanding that it is used to promote the ForFour for everyone, no matter what website they
may be a member of (or not as the case may be).
As I live 'down South' and there are owners of ForFours who live 'North of Watford', I have decided to entrust this banner
Baggylicious to have sole control over and use at ANY meets 'up North' that involve or have the presence of ForFours.
Ok, so what about ANY ForFour meetings 'down South' then ? ?
The other banner I have will be available to be displayed at ANY of those meetings too.....
If I cannot make it to a meeting that has ForFours at, then I will entrust it to someone who is going, and who will return it to me.
One last thing....as these banners would hang 'a*s about face' due to the reinforced mountings being stitched on the bottom edge
instead of the top, I'm going to have them unpicked and relocated to the top edge so that the banner can be strung out between poles.
This will be done
before they can/will be available.