All a con really as there has been scientific evidence since the later revised DPF's were introduced
that the human body actually rejects large NOX particulates...the type produced by older non-DPF
and earlier versions of DPF filters equipped on older cars....BUT...the same evidence did confirm that
the far more smaller microscopic NOX particulates generated by the later more modern DPF's; including
those produced in regeneration; are ALL absorbed by the human body, and those are dangerous !
As a side note, from what I am aware, all UK 454 CDi's only ever had a Catalytic DPF at all !
My current 56 plate (2006) 95hp CDi only has a Catalytic converter...and the original exhaust (at the moment).
BlackCDI advised in one of his posts that apparently in Germany they installed DPF's for the last year of
production (AND.. they also installed an electronic EGR from the W169 A-class vs the vacuum operated one
from W168 A-class).