The story of the ForFour all along was the excessive OTR price,
not just for the Brabus, but for all models.
Blame for this must be laid at the doorstep of MB, who always
charge an arm and a leg, and like BMW, extra for anything over
and above the basic cost of the radio, mats, metallic paint etc
Oh and not forgetting that it was competition to their own A-Class,
so if they priced it high enough then people would go for the known
brand of MB in preference.
In truth, if MB/Smart had marketed it properly (which they didn't)
and sold it at a price to match the competition then it would have
been a different story all round.
The ForMore would have sold like hot cakes in the US, where it's
size (based on the MB E-Class floorpan !), specification and the
2 tone looks would hark back to cars and colours of years gone by
for the Americans. They would simply have loved it.