Well you know what.....??
I think that date will be one of the worst decision's that has been made for the Fest.
Why was the date not 'pencilled in' for September 8th or 9th 2012 right after the last
Festival ?
Maybe someone will ask Al that question.....and explain why October is so wrong.
That date in September (incl the weekend when it was
normally held) fell
just at the end of the school summer holidays...just before the kids went back.
That meant :-
1/ that it was ideal for Smart owners with families as they could take them with them
and not have any worries about homework/late nights etc.
2/ long journeys were also not a problem as the roads would be lighter with traffic
on the school holiday period.
And we all know that lot's of peops travel long distances to this function, so that
factor alone was a godsend.
3/ in September as it was, and with the traffic easier, it wasnt a pain/strain to drive
to it in the easy traffic....short or long journey. But in October...after a week of
driving back n forth to work...gruelling journeys...then to have to drive another
run in 'heavy' non school holiday traffic....with no lie in....Nah ! Forget it....
Maybe next year...if it's in the school holiday time...say the first weekend of
September perhaps.
Over the last 4 years the attendance figures have steadily risen, but because of the
reasons I've given I have a feeling that this year the attendance figures will dip below
1,000 this year.
As an aside, and not that it really matters, it's also kyboshed my plans as well !
I'd already booked off the weekend of 8/9 Sep in advance, assuming it would be
around the same date as it always has been...but now it's October I seriously doubt
that I will be able to get the time off !
(Don't all cheer......
I'm rostered for a 6am-6pm and no one wants to swop or cover those.