I am going on the adventure so if the option for England is mentioned, I am definitely voting for you guys.
Woohoo! That makes one vote!
Although, I'm sure the team from S2 and Smartmods (if they go) would vote for Blighty.
Agreed, CrazyG. Lots of money in Denmark too. Plus smart already have a market (and an event) here as well...
Although I'd hasten to add that the whole brooklands set up means there's less effort on Smart's part. It's an ideal sorted venue.
Plus there's a hotel on site for them to all stay on. I think smart UK would be all too happy to drop the festival in order to have Smart Times.
Would it happen in the future? We can only wait and see. They've got to get around all the countries some time... Plus, the Electric Car market is expanding here, even Luton has started to have Electric parking spaces installed. I've noticed 4 new ones in the last week.