So no SmartFestival again eh ?
I'm betting it's cos Smart are going all out to get the new models
ready n released in time. That in itself is rather strange, as the time
for that is about the same as the Festival would normally be held.
Why didn't or haven't they manouvered it so that it does co-incide ?
Or is this MB/Smart making a complete b@lls up as usual and missing
out on a golden oppurtunity to have launch day and the Festival together !
Or is it just that the massive MB/Smart UK Head Office at MBWorld in
Weybridge just isn't a big enough venue to 'stage' such an event ?
(I bet they'll blame it on the weather for the time of year...
But I digress...and i should know better than to 'hi-jack' a thread
Gaydon....if I'm not working, then I'll make the effort...
weather permitting...hahahaha