Sorry to hear about the Brab front splitter.....
How damaged are we talking here ?
And have you got all the 'bits' ?
I am aware that the rear splitter/diffuser gets broken easily
either when parking or running over hedgehogs late at night
on unlit country lanes...LOL.
And I am also aware that quite a few members have tried various
different glues/adhesives in an attempt to repair them. (Ask
brulaw)Most if not ALL of the adhesives have failed as the material of
the diffuser won't 'take' to them, however, there is one that so far
appears to do the job......Gorilla Glue.
Use it sparingly, as in just enough to do the job, as it dries to a
rather yucky yellowy brown turd like colour....
But it can be filed/sanded if there is any excess.
Oh and if the split/joint can be braced from behind, all the better.