so after blowing my top with the service adviser who said id have to rebook it for the noise looking at i have some conclusion that my gearbox is definitely noisy. i just wanted a 2nd opinion as it would have been my luck i fit another gearbox and the noise still be there.
after some gearbox additive and a quick top up on friday the noise is still there BUT is quieter in 2nd and 3rd, but still there in 4th and 5th. and after the run to Ace i have to say it does need one.
before i get another box i want to try something that one of the Jaguar old boys say to me at work.
the lad used to work for Mitsubishi years ago, well before the forfour and colt cz and he said after doing valve clearances the gear box would sound noisy some times. turns out the earth strap on the engine would be loose and once tightened it would stop. worth a try, i figured so a set of smart mods arrived yesterday and should be fitted once i get a free 2 minuets.
if that fails then ill be saving for a gearbox and someone to fit it as the company that took the Jaguar franchise over want to book the car in and charge us for the honour of working on our own cars