ALL applications should be approved by way of an Acceptance email within 7 days...
If you have not received our Acceptance email...CHECK your spam/bin/junk folders
as your email provider may have 'diverted' any/all our emails into one of them in error !So why would we email you ?..
If there are ANY issues with the information you provided (or did not provide), then we
will send a maximum of 2 emails to the address you provided on your Application.
Each email has a 7 day response/reply time. Meanwhile, you Application will be 'On Hold'.
If there is no response from you to any of these, then 7 days after our final email your
Application will be deleted !(Checkout the Deleted Applications here :-
Please note that you can re-apply..just ensure you read carefully the "However.." note) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 reasons why an application to join has not been approved :-1/ YOUR Application may not have
the exact information we require, or
ALL that we
clearly stated as a requirement in
"The Forum - MUST READ items BEFORE joining" The link to that is :- NOTE:- We 'normally' allow 7 days to respond to the 1st email, and then a further 7days
IF we send a
final 2nd email. After that the Application will be deleted.
OR....2/ You re-applied because you FORGOT your password
! If that is so, then at the 'log-in screen' you should have clicked on
Forgotten your password? and followed the prompt message to 'recover' your password..
not re-applied to join !
NOTE:- The Forum has a database of approved member details, so any 'new'
Applications that have information that matches what we hold will automatically be
flagged up to be checked.
(If a match is found, we will send you an email for
further information. Please check your emails, and your spam/bin/junk folders.)OR....3/ Our security checks have identified you as a spammer / hacker !
and the Application will immediately have been deleted.