the_wirewalker on the 14th June you said...
..... Most people suggest cleaning the throttle valve, which i have already (it was pretty clean anyhow)....
and you then finish with...
.....Had anyone changed the throttle valve?
So...when you cleaned the TVA, did you remove it and give it a really ggod clean ?
Did you clean both sides of the butterfly valve...and the inlet manifold side of it
after the butterfly ?
AND.....if you did remove the TVA, did you replace/refit the green rubber gasket
correctly ?
I'm asking so that we can 'tick off' each event and help narrow down all of the
various possibilities/probabilities....a process of elimination, ok. Only by asking
and getting answers can we hope to sort out what might be causing the issue
that you have.
TVA's rarely go wrong...that is not to say they never go wrong, ok.
Usually it a build up of gungey oily dirty in both sides of the venturi and on the
buttterfly valve of the TVA, or a faulty or dirty MAF. Sometimes the TVA will need
to be reset/re-callibrating (as detailed in one of the posts in another thread),
or the wiring loom of the plug not connected correctly or not connected at all.
Or has the plug (or the wiring) to the MAF been damaged ?
The internal electricals of the TVA are seldom an issue, but just might
be that it needs a thorough strip down and clean/regrease..but it's rare.
Note:- I've not heard of anyone having a problem with the 'stepper' motor
that operates the butterfly in all my years of running this Forum.